for Fish

//for Fish

Grouper Soup

Προϊόντα ΑΤΛΑΝΤΙΚΟΣ που θα χρειαστείτε: Ingredients (4 servings) 1 kg Spinycheek Grouper 2 onions 2 zucchinis 2 potatoes 2 carrots 2 ripe tomatoes 1 celery bunch [...]

for Fish|

Perch Fillet Caprese

Atlantikos product needed for the recipe: Ingredients (4 servings) 700 grams Perch fillet, cleaned 100 grams green onion, finely chopped 250 grams cherry tomatoes, halved 80 [...]

for Fish|

Hake fishcakes

Atlantikos product needed for the recipe: Ingredients (6 servings) 1 kg Hake desalted 1 mashed onion 2 tbsp spearmint, finely chopped 2 tbsp dill, finely chopped [...]

for Fish|